Welcome, web traveler!You’ve reached the official web site for author Kathleen Morgan. I don’t know which rugged Internet path brought you here, but I’m so glad you made it. Now that you’ve arrived, I hope you’re in the mood for a short rest and a good book. Whether you're a fan of Scottish historical fiction, Scottish-American fiction, contemporary romance, or Christian fantasy novels, you’ll find stories to whisk you away to new worlds on my Books page. My Coming Soon page will keep you up-to-date on my upcoming book releases (I’ve got some wonderful new stories on the way). Readers can also learn a bit about me, plus find links to recent interviews by clicking on About Kathleen, and I’ve got all kinds of downloadable discussion questions for your book club or reading group in the Reading Guides section. My FAQs page includes the story of how I came to write Christian fiction (a true tale of God’s grace) and an inside glance at why I love writing Christian fantasy just as much as Scottish historical fiction, Scottish-American fiction, or contemporary romance. If you’re an aspiring writer, I’ve put together a whole collection of useful tips for you on the For Writers page. And if you’d like to contact me to schedule a speaking engagement or ask a question about one of my books, just visit my Contact page. I always enjoy hearing from readers. Until then, have fun. And stop back soon!